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My son is now six years old. I love who he is. He has an inquisitive mind and a heart as big as the sky. He is mine. He is precious. I want to nurture the person he is. I want to teach him what matters most and how to navigate this life in this world.
This world is hurting. It can be shocking. It can be hard. It’s filled with so much that I’d like to shield him from. I see his big brown eyes widen when he sees or hears something that’s unfamiliar to him. Yet I can’t keep him sheltered in our home forever.
So instead I try to create a loving environment for him. It’s here that he can learn right from wrong. He can learn what matters most. He can experience joy and hurt. His father and I will support him. We’ll love him. We’ll give him room to make mistakes. We’ll hold him when he’s feeling low. We’ll do our part to give him a solid foundation as he grows into the man he will one day be.
Today I am thinking about what I hope to teach him in the years he is in our home. That time goes by quickly. As I write this I’m imagining him married with children of his own. It seems so far away, but in a few weeks he’ll start kindergarten. It wasn’t so very long ago that this milestone felt far away too. When I look back what will I hope he learned during these years of knee scrapes and wet kisses? During these years of Legos, Star Wars, and baseball in the backyard with his daddy? During these years of wanting to be held at night by his mama? What will I hope he saw in us and incorporated into his own life? These are those things.
Buckle up.
Wear sunscreen.
Laugh often.
Open the door for the person behind you.
They’re, their, and there are not interchangeable.
Neither are hear and here.
Having a relationship with God will make you a better friend, husband, and father.
If you don’t want people to know about it, don’t do it.
Offer to help those who look like they need it.
Surround yourself with people whose morals reflect the kind of person you aspire to be. Who they are will impact who you are whether you want it to or not.
It’s okay to make mistakes. We all do. Learn from them.
Get involved in sports.
Saying you’re sorry heals a lot of wounds.
Some people just won’t like you. That’s okay. We can’t be for everybody.
Heartbreak only lasts for a little while.
Choose a career that you enjoy.
What’s popular isn’t always right. Go with your gut.
Life is precious. Treat your life and the lives of others accordingly.
Brush your teeth even when you don’t feel like it.
Have an amazing resume (but not at the expense of having an amazing life).
Go on vacations.
Know the value of please and thank you.
Spitting outside is for hillbillies.
Dream big.
Drink water.
Be present. Make the most of the moment you’re in instead of always seeking the next one.
Think before you speak.
Speak with kindness. Your words make a big impact.
Salad isn’t the enemy. Neither is a vegetable.
Hold babies. It’s good for your heart.
Use common sense.
There is no substitute for hard work.
Get a good night’s rest.
If everyone always agrees with you then you’re probably not standing for anything. Stand up. Stand tall. Stand for what’s right.
Be good to animals.
Ask questions and seek answers in all things.
Read the Bible. Study it. There are far more answers in there than there are out here.
Read a lot of books.
Save your money but enjoy some too.
Be honest.
Marriage takes work. It’s worth it. Do the work.
Swearing doesn’t give you credibility.
Be slow to anger and quick to smile.
Spend time outdoors everyday.
Don’t smoke. Breathing is more important.
Don’t eat too much sugar. You’re sweet enough.
Don’t expect another person to fulfill you. They can love and encourage you but they will not fulfill you.
Don’t expect your job to fulfill you.
Don’t expect drugs/alcohol/good times to fulfill you. They are fleeting.
Talk to God. Get to know Him. Really know Him. Trust Him. Knowing His purpose for you and living for Him will fulfill you like nothing else can.
Happiness is a choice. Happy people make the decision to find joy in the everyday instead of dwelling in negativity.
You are so very loved.
I love this post, Christina!! Thank you for putting all my feelings about parenthood into such beautiful words! You definitely nailed it <3
Aww thank you, Amanda!
This is such a great post, Christina! I could have written it, but you did a better job. I’m sure your son is going to be a grounded, happy, fine gentleman. 🙂
Thank you, Ana!
“Hold babies, it’s good for your heart” might be my favorite one!
Thank you, Erica!
Oh how I love this! I have three little boys. My oldest turned five this week. Just this morning I was reading in Boys Should Be Boys (Meg Meeker, M.D.– HIGHLY recommend) about envisioning the virtues that we want our boys to have when they are grown men, and making those priority now. Your post went right along with what I’ve been reading. Thank you!
I’ve never heard of that book but I’m off to check it out! Thank you, Eryn!
This is so well stated — it seems like teaching our babies love, tolerance and respect is all we can do is these difficult/scary times. Your son will obviously grow up to be a wonderful person!
Thank you, Melissa!
Hi Christina, what a beautiful and heartfelt message for your son. He is blessed to have you for his mom. My son just turned 20, so I am on the opposite end of that spectrum.
Thank you so much, Lisa!
I love your list and can relate to every single one! Glad to find you on this vast world of web. Your boy sounds so sweet. I’m expecting my first baby boy after two girls (ages 11 and 9) and I’m nervous and excited about what raising a boy looks like. I’ll keep reading your blog and following your journey! Great to meet you Christina!
Congratulations! You’ll love having a boy. They love their mamas! So nice to meet you, Angela!
These are all so good I don’t know that I could pick a favorite. First of all, I LOVED that you included there, their, and they’re… that’s very important. On a more serious note though, one of the points that really stuck out at me was that if you don’t want people to know about it, don’t do it. That is such great advice and something I wish everyone followed!
Haha! Grammar is important! And thank you, Justine!
I just loved this! I found myself nodding with everything you wrote…beautifully stated!
I’m so happy to hear that, Shahla! Thank you!
I love this list! My boys are 12, 10, and 6 and I would still want to tell them this list over and over again.Thanks for creating it!!